Google AdSense is the current leader in content-sensitive web-based marketing. Webmasters can place Google AdSense JavaScript code on their web pages in order to allow Google's servers to show context sensitive advertisements (Google Adwords). The left hand side of this page shows an example of a Google AdSense skyscraper displaying a text or image ad.
Google's terms and conditions are very strict such that many web publishers cannot use adsense adverts on their sites. Has Now a Day Only that people Adsense Account Approve which site is exit around 6 month old, and The Content of the side is not Copy Paste from any other sites, that means content is original.
Its is my personal experience with adsense programme that almost 2 times now they have disbale my account, and now in future i am not use adsense program in any website i.e. owned by me.
Google adsense account disable for Invaild clicks, or suppose if you have increase the website traffic or your earning ratio is increase, it will in the close eye of google expert, and than you see a mail in the 1 day of next month that "Your Adsense Account has been Disable"
I have lost around $200 for this reason, 1st times my Adsense account Disable when i was in $97, and in Second time he has disable my account when i was $40.
Why they didnot return the amount which we have earned and they say for any one reason all your amount send to the advertiser, that is not good in any reason.
For this reason I have compiled my Top 5 alternatives to Google's Adsense that are ideal for the small time publisher.
1) Bidvertiser
Bidvertiser is an excellent alternative to Google and offers some intriguing ad formats including what they refer to as free design. This lets you specify the look and dimensions of your text ads. While a useful feature I have not investigated how well it really works but imagine that while it sounds good on paper it could result in lower priced ads being displayed. I.e. most advertisers will probably want to keep control of the layout of their ads and so turn off support for Free design ads. All the standard ad formats exist, however, and the payouts are excellent. Pop-under ads and XML feeds are also supported. Bidvertiser have also recently introduced two knew features that can boost your earnings:
- Conversion Bonus
As far as I am aware Bidvertiser is the first affiliate marketer to offer this seemingly obvious service. As well as paying traditional CPC for each valid click Bidvertiser will now track those clicks and if they turn into valid leads will pay an additional conversion bonus to the publisher. If your site refers a number of high value leads this can lead to a substantial monthly bonus. In many cases this additional bonus can be higher than traditional CPC earnings.
- Revenue Generating Toolbar
The second new feature offered by Bidvertiser is the customized revenue generating toolbar. The BidVertiser Toolbar allows you to distribute your own customized toolbar to your website visitors and then earn money when your users use the toolbar for searching. The toolbar is fully customizable allowing logos to be changed, links to your home page added, useful tools, direct program links etc.
- Payout Level Bidvertizer pays you either in $100.00 increments by check or $10.00 increments by PayPal. They also do not require you to complete any tax information or provide a social security number.
Maximum customizability for the layout of your ads: BidVertiser gives you a simple point-and-click tool to help you customize the layout of the ads to fit your site's look and feel, in order to retain the high quality of your website. Bidvertizer also offers the opportunity to block unwanted ads. The reports provided by Bidvertiser are adequate but not outstanding. The only real problem is that it has been reported that they can be picky with who they accept into their program and can be quick to ban users whose websites show what may be perfectly valid fluctuating visitor behaviour. Although I have not heard any recent reports so they may have relaxed this policy somewhat. Click here to visit Bidvertiser's website where you can either sign up as a publisher (show peoples ads on your site) or as an advertiser (show your ads on other sites).
2) Chitika
Chitika was founded in 2003 and is the industry's leading impulse merchandising company. Chitika was founded in May 2003 and is based in Massachusetts. Chitika (pronounced CHIH-tih-ka) helps web publishers generate revenue using innovative publisher-side advertising and merchandising solutions and services.
Chitika began, not as a stand alone advertising solution but instead as way to compliment existing advertising / publishing programs through the use of additional Ad Units which were altogether different from the standard ad boxes, pop-unders etc that everybody else provided. Instead of displaying these 'industry standard' advert boxes with text and image ads that all look the same Chitika instead provided active boxes that showed targeted products from different manufacturers. If you ran a blog for example and discussed a product you might have found the Chitika box showing links for this product and competitors products. If people purchased these products you would get paid a commission. This was referred to as impulse marketing in the form of Premium Ad Units (eMinimalls).
Chitika has now progressed, however, into a fully fledged advertizer service. The eMinimalls initially evolved into advertizing units that would show adverts based on what people searched for to get to your site. This is subtly different from the standard keyword driven advertising since it shows ads that are more relevant to the original intent of your visitors search. This greatly increases the chance that someone will click on an ad. This type of advertising is still offered by Chitika and is a good addition to a site containing traditional banner ads. For example you could use it to compliment another advertizers service. E.g. you could show Clicksor context sensitive ads on your site and then compliment these with Chitika's search traffic oriented ads.
However, Chitika now goes beyond this, also offering what are termed premium ads. Chitika uses it custom "Click Prediction" technology to show select ads when there is a greater chance they will be clicked on. This is obviously a great way to improve your revenue.
- List Unit
The Chitika List Unit (CLU) is a powerful extension of the MPU which automatically adjusts its height, ensuring no ugly white-space and thus a cleaner user experience. These can also be referred to as rotating ads. Such units really come into their own on devices such as iPads which support dynamically rotating screens. With the use of a rotating CLU you can have your ad automatically adjust to fill all the space on the screen. This also draws the users eye to the ads and makes it more likely for them to click on one.
- Mobile Code
Adverts specifically designed to be shown on mobile content.
- Pay per call Ads
These ads are 'action based' ads which have a very high payout of between $2 and $20 per action. For local ads they greatly increase action rates since local viewers are more likely to click these ads because it will put them in direct contact with the advertiser.